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About Glorious Locks 

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The world has had a lot to say about natural black hair but, it is time to listen to our own voices. If you are at the beginning of your natural hair journey, or investigating for your child, welcome. I want you to know that it is a process, and it takes time to build up the courage to walk in your natural beauty. Please feel free to look around the site or give me a call should you have questions along the way.  


If you have already discovered the confidence and freedom of being natural, congratulations! I recognize that this is such big step on many levels, depending on your background. My guess is that you are ready to take your natural hair to another level, and you are looking for more freedom, flexibility and a lifestyle change. 


Glorious Locks was born out of my passion and desire to encourage, uplift, and celebrate black hair and natural beauty. I would to love to come alongside you by establishing your Sisterlocks and helping you maintain them.  There is nothing better than having the freedom to style your hair any way you choose, and gaining your time back from those long salon days. Go ahead, spend that extra time with loved ones or learn that new hobby!  


Thank you in advance for allowing me the honor to walk with you on this journey. With that said, let me also be the first to welcome you home to Sisterlocks as you embrace your natural hair and beauty. Know that you “…are fearfully and wonderfully made…” (Psalm 139) by God, in His image, beautiful just the way we are.




Zipporah Sharon




You are enough. You belong. You are loved.




Hello and Welcome!



My name is Zipporah Sharon and I am an empowerment and Sisterlocks™ consultant. My faith, family, and friends have always been important to me. However, over the years I have fallen in love with natural black hair, and beauty. I have not always been confident about my natural hair and beauty. As an immigrant child, I was teased about my hair among other things. My tightly curled hair was, and to a certain extent, is still not viewed as “beautiful” by society's standards however, I have changed my mind about who gets to define my beauty. If you are reading this my guess is, that you have as well.


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